A whole lot of rewriting and changes has happened since the last post. It's far from complete, but what's there is fairly useable, I think. I'm a whole lot happier with this code than the last iteration. But that could change quickly. We shall see...
I cut i2c timings down from 20uS to 10uS, and t...
After getting my clock code to the stage it was at in Part 2, I started to refine the code and add features. That code was pretty quick and dirty. It worked, but still needed lots of work.
I started looking at actual i2c timings. I had built my clock code by just picking a random number (100uS) th...
After not looking at electronics for quite a while, and PICs for even longer, I started a project with the PIC16F72 board and soon found out why those savage old chips were being sold from China for cheap. I ran out of memory right quick. Could have probably done it if I switched to assembly langu...
I'm posting some code here for Drizza on YouTube. Much of the original page text was lost, but I have the images and some text. So here's what I have.
I built the circuit on a dipmicro electronics PB1 proto board. Excellent little boards for building small one-off projects.
In these images I'm...
So I wanted to buy a Macetech ChronoDot but they were constantly out of stock. So I drew up something similar and had some boards made. They work great.
Mine uses a CR2032 cell rather than the smaller CR1632 that the ChronoDot uses. I use the bigger cell because I get my battery holders off old...