futz f&ts v.i. To tinker experimentally; to change something just to see what it does

In a recent Ebay China toy order I grabbed four HY-SRF05 ultrasonic rangefinder sensors to play with. Can't beat the price at $1.89 USD each with free shipping. They'd be dirt cheap at twice that price.

Here I'm controlling the SRF05 with a PIC18F2680 and displaying the results on my "Predko" 2-wi...

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Jason at AtomSoft sent me a couple Nokia 7110 LCDs. Thanks Jason! They're nice cheap little 96x65 monochrome graphic LCD's if you can find them. In this project I build a breadboard connector for the display and write some PIC 18LF1330 code and some 18F2550 code to drive the display

I made a con...

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To decode Sony SIRC codes output by my Harmony 880 remote control, I connected a Panasonic PNA4602M infrared sensor to P0.4 (CAP0.1). It's a 38kHz type sensor, so it works great with standard remote controls. Rather than work blind, I connected a 16x2 character LCD in 4-bit mode with busy flag check...

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I got tired of building the Myke Predko 2-Wire LCD circuit over and over and/or having one breadboard always used up so I'd have one handy. So I designed a PC board with the circuit on it. And, since I had tons of extra space under the LCD I added a Maxim DS3234 RTC and a battery holder under ther...

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