Today's tiny project was to add a display for the temperature and humidity instead of printing it to the console. I added another toy from the recent buy - a 1.3" OLED display.
I'm using the robert-hh SH1106 driver. Too lazy to write one for now.
The display's i2c address is $3c, so it works...
Universal-Solder had a year end sale. Couldn't resist grabbing a small pile of toys. One of the devices I bought was an Asair AHT21B temperature and humidity sensor. Asair says, "AHT21 is equipped with a newly designed ASIC dedicated chip, an improved MEMS semiconductor capacitive humidity sensor e...
In a recent Ebay China toy order I grabbed four HY-SRF05 ultrasonic rangefinder sensors to play with. Can't beat the price at $1.89 USD each with free shipping. They'd be dirt cheap at twice that price.
Here I'm controlling the SRF05 with a PIC18F2680 and displaying the results on my "Predko" 2-wi...